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Calathea Roseopicta Care Guide

May 30, 2022

Calathea roseopicta has bright rose-colored trays with patterned leaves that are very popular - but there's a catch. Calathes usually deserve their fussy reputation, and the lovely roseopicta is one of the worst offenders. In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about Calathea roseopicta care to keep your plants healthy and beautiful.


Calathea roseopicta requires bright indirect light, consistently moist soil, and high humidity. Soil should be well-drained with enough aeration material that it does not become wet. Normal room temperature is appropriate; avoid temperatures below 60ºF (15ºC). Feed lightly during the growing season.

Calathea Roseopicta

Calathea Roseopecta Light Requirements

When planning a lighting environment for Calathea, keep in mind that they are essentially groundcovers that live under a shady rainforest canopy. Their foliage is well suited to absorbing scarce light and is constantly moving to optimize reception.


Calathea roseopicta prefers moderately bright indirect light, which can mean a fairly bright indoor environment. Keep in mind that outdoor shade is actually brighter than most indoor spaces ...... Light drops off quickly with each foot of distance from the window.


Possible light locations suitable for Calathea roseopecta.

Six to ten feet from the north, west, or east-facing window; just outside the range of direct sunlight.

In a bright room, but not exposed to strong light.

A space with adequate artificial lighting.

Since the sunlight drops significantly in the winter, you can compensate by moving the Calathea to a sunny bay window.


Lighting is arguably the most important aspect of Calathea roseopicta care. You can read my guide to indoor plant lighting to make sure you get it just right.

How to Water Calathea Roseopicta?

Proper soil moisture is one of the keys to Calathea roseopicta care, as you will soon find out if you are watering incorrectly. The mixture should always be moist but not soggy. A serious danger of over-watering is root rot. Because Calathea roseopicta has a rhizome structure, it can easily be overrun by a large number of rot pathogens in wet conditions.


The general rule is to allow the top half inch of soil to dry out before re-watering. Water thoroughly ...... The soil should take about a week before it needs to be watered again. Instead of watering on time, monitor the soil vigilantly. (Yes, that's why plants are considered high maintenance.) You can't neglect your Calathea rosepicta without being affected.


Adjust to the needs of your plant. For example, if the foliage shows signs of drying out, consider waiting only for the soil surface to dry before re-watering.

Calathea Roseopicta

Other watering tips.

Don't rely on the plant to "tell" you it's thirsty - their leaves are busy doing other things. Wilt can hurt the leaves.

It's a good practice to let the excess water drain from the soil when watering. This will wash away unused fertilizer and other potential toxins from the soil.

If you use automatic watering devices or other automatic methods, monitor the soil of your plants regularly to make sure it is working properly.

Reduce watering in winter. Keep the soil more friable and lighter.

Use room temperature water to avoid stressing plants.

Consider using filtered or distilled rainwater or dechlorinated water. roseopecta may be sensitive to salts, minerals and various chemicals found in tap water.

Avoid keeping your Roseopecta's foliage wet overnight, which can cause fungal infections. Water early to allow the plant to dry out before nightfall.

Calathea Roseopicta Soil Requirements

Proper watering is only part of the moisture equation: the soil must drain quickly and have sufficient aeration structure to always maintain the oxygen supply to the roots, even after a thorough soaking. The soil should be kept rainforest-like and moist, never wet.


Some growers choose a soilless mix, but you can use regular potting soil and increase its aeration by adding perlite. You may need to add 1/5 to 1/3 of perlite to get a "fluffy" mixture.


When you water your plants, the water should sink into the soil within a few seconds. If water pools on the surface, the soil may be too dense and not draining well. Read my guide to making and buying soil for houseplants to get the perfect soil for your plants.


For more information about the calathea roseopicta care, welcome to contact us at +86 137 7326 3528 or write to us at We will be happy to help you out!


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